The goal of coaching is quite simple.

We work together to get you from where you are now to where you want to be - we close that gap together. Similarly to working with a personal trainer, for example, you can make faster progress more easily when someone is there to show you an external perspective, motivate you, and keep you on track.

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NUMBER 1: You are your best resource

You, more than anyone else, knows exactly what is best for you. You have your own inherent answers and wisdom that only you have access to. You have a life path that is unique to you. We live in a time where we have been taught to look outside of ourselves (and give away our power) and follow only information that can be logically justified, rather then our own deeper knowing. I help people access this deeper knowing of themselves. I help people rise above how they’ve been told that they “should” work, do relationships, take care of themselves (or not), dress, decorate their house, craft their appearance, feel or not feel, travel and the list goes on and on. I help people access their own knowing/intuition/body lead answers in a loud and distracting era. I do not pretend to know your answers or “give advice”. I am fully invested in you becoming your most valuable and empowered resource to lead your life from.


In my experience, learning to feel your hard-to-feel feelings, essentially getting comfortable with discomfort, is one of the most powerful skills that anyone can learn in life (and I am constantly in practice with this!). It builds immense resilience and opens up possibilities that are otherwise closed to those afraid of change and discomfort. When we are closed to certain feelings and parts of ourselves or our human experience, on some level we begin to close to ourselves and life itself. I help people learn how to feel more and more of their feelings and gain immense freedom from that skill.

Number 3: What’s your mind up to?

I believe your thoughts and mind can create destructive or generative thoughts and beliefs. This is beyond the idea of positive or negative or good-feeling or bad-feeling. This is about tracking where your mind may tell you limiting stories that are not getting you to where you want to be. Sometimes these are obvious and some are incredibly subtle. Our mind can use us or we can learn to use it to create empowering perspectives and stories that generate the life we desire. I can help track and show you how to watch what your mind is up to. Learning how to be selective about what your mind produces and learn how to intentioanlly create generative perspectives is onf ot he best ways to transcend your current limitations.

Number 4: bringing in the body

I find that growth work doesn’t last when the body, the place where so many of our beliefs, emotional energy, and historical patterns are stored hasn’t been adequately tended to. There is only so far mindset work (as an example) can go if there is unprocessed grief in the body. New goals can only be attained to a limited measure when we are confronted with uncomfortable sensations in response to change. Learning what lives in our bodies, what they need, and how we can use them to generate more openness to the life we want is critical to heal and grow. The coaching work that I do will always bring in what’s happening in the body and how to partner with the body as a great ally and source of your own personal truths.

My coaching background & ethics

I am a graduate of the Newfield Network, one of the oldest and original coaching programs that trains professional coaches worldwide. It is an ICF (International Coaching Federation) accredited program. I follow all ICF ethical guidelines and standards of behavior. Learn more about my extensive growth and healing background and other careers on my about page.