
we all deserve to feel in love with ourselves & our life.

I’m here to help you get there.

Hi, I’m Rachael

1:1 Coaching work & breathwork ethos

I believe we’re all endlessly capable of creating anything we want in this life, as long as we’re willing to look within, get to know ourselves, and take responsibility for what we find.

But, it can be scary and lonely doing it solo. That’s where I come in. I’ve got a ton of guidance, practical tools, fresh perspectives, and a keen eye for spotting blocks that make the process smoother.

For as long as I can remember I’ve been captivated by the beauty and complexity of the human experience. I believe humans (all humans) are amazing miracles. I believe we each have unique gifts to give and a ton of joy & love to experience in this lifetime. But, too often we don’t end up feeling this way.

We’re sensitive creatures. We seem to accrue a lot of baggage over our years and experiences. We carry around leftover emotional residue from the past or anticipated pain of the future, broken hearts, distressed bodies, and excessively disagreeable minds that weigh down our life and clarity. Or worse, these things begin to make us believe we are less amazing than we really are - less lovable, less capable, less sacred, and less deserving of what we really want (which of course we do deserve). I’ve been in all of those places, and unwilling to live a life confined by painful limitations and experiences, I dug in, learned how to heal, and emerged as a version of myself I respect and love more than I could have ever imagined.

We are our greatest teachers, healers, and resources. Your relationship with you matters, but most of us weren’t taught how to show up for ourselves, how to access our intuition, love ourselves and healthily love others - all crucial components to a life well-lived. We all deserve this - to feel in love with our lives and ourselves.

There is power in knowing yourself and there is power in finding the right tools that help you consistently access your favorite emotional states, feel good in your body and move through limitations (the ones you know of & the ones you don’t!). Sometimes we just need help finding those tools.

I’ve got exactly that help to give. I’ve used my life, my relationships, my sensitivities, my body - all of it, as a study to find the most accessible and empowering ways to heal, thrive, and grow. I love helping others do the same.


Rachael is a lifelong student, coach and breathwork facilitator, published writer, artist, and businesswoman.

Rachael has over 10 years of extensive studies and/or certifications in breathwork, coaching, yoga, leadership, spirituality, & philosophy (of many genres). She has and continues to study with some of the leading teachers in these respective fields. She is a trained coach with the Newfield Network, an ICF certified coaching school.

She holds a BA in Communication Design and Ethical Business that she has used to help solo entrepreneurs to Fortune 500 companies develop ethical business strategies, improve design and presentation, and dramatically increase clarity, market placement, & profits.

Based in Denver, Colorado, Rachael holds one on one private sessions, couples sessions, & group classes (occasionally in person and remotely via Zoom/Skype). Email rachael@rachaelmckee.com for more information.