rachael mckee


Hi, I’m Rachael

I’m a writer, coach, & breathwork teacher.




Breathwork may seem like magic, but really it’s a highly active form of meditation that cuts through the chatter of the mind and gets right into the emotional residue and unprocessed feelings in the body. It can create powerful shifts in long-held feelings, beliefs, and limitations. After practicing breathwork most people report emotional releases, increased relaxation, better & more consistent emotional states, a high degree of clarity, and a stronger connection with their intuition, creativity & confidence. I love facilitating breathwork sessions to help people clear away layers that stand between them and their most desired feelings and lives.



I love helping people break through blind spots and see where they’re holding themselves back in life. We all have habitual, learned, and self-imposed limitations (and distractions) that keep us from living powerful and free lives. I guide clients to take full responsibility for the creation of their lives, their wellness, and their relationship with themselves. Coaching is spontaneous and intuitive. The way sessions look depends greatly on each client’s specific needs and circumstances, but I do lean heavily into consistently teaching people two (of what I think of as) superpowers - how to confront and feel the feelings they’re afraid of (which is a huge component of getting unstuck) and tracking the limiting thoughts in their mind and then using the mind instead to create alternate empowering and life-changing perspectives.



Writing is a constant in my life and one of the key ways that I both connect with myself and something greater than myself. It is one of my best tools to help me process my experiences and express myself. I share my recent thoughts, practices, and experiences in my (at least once a month) newsletters - sign up to receive them below.

In the Spring of 2022, I published my first book, Messages From Her. Messages From Her is a book and deck that celebrates modern, world-changing women. It was successfully funded through Kickstarter and is for sale now!


email me at rachael@rachaelmckee.com for an intro call or to learn more about working together.


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